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Best Long-Range Warzone Loadouts Post Season 2 Update

Posted on  by Alesha Horn
Tips and Tricks

Don't Miss the Meta: The Long-Range Game

Best Long-Range Warzone Loadouts Post Season 2 Update

Posted on  by Alesha Horn
Tips and Tricks

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Best Long-Range Warzone Loadout Post Season 2 Update

As we know the Season 2 Call of Duty update launched a little over a week ago and there was a long list of weapon and attachment changes and weapon tuning changes that were made. The meta has not changed a ton but the update did allow the meta to be more diverse. Players are not using the same 2-3 weapons anymore, especially when it comes to the long-range game on Caldera. Today we are going to break down what most Warzone players find to be the best weapons in the game right now.


The first weapon we are going to look at today is the Call of Duty: Cold War AK, this has been a general meta weapon for quite a long time now and here is why, you can use this weapon at range because after all it is an assault rifle. But you can also use this Cold War AK up close and do just as much damage. It has one of the best TTKs over range in the entire game. It does however have a little bit more recoil than some of the Vanguard weapons, but once you learn the weapons spray pattern this will be a must have in your loadout. 


1.     AK-47 (Cold War) 


·      Muzzle: GRU Suppressor

·      Barrel: 20” Spetsnaz RPK Barrel

·      Optic: Axial Arms 3x

·      Underbarrel: Spetsnaz Grip

·      Magazine: 45 Round Mag


Another weapon that has been around since the begin of Warzone is the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Kar 98, This is one of the most reliable snipers in the game, the other sniper being the Swiss. The only drawback that the Kar has vs the Swiss is the reload speed. The range, velocity and damage outweigh the cons of using this weapon by a landslide.


2.     Kar 98 (Modern Warfare) 


·      Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

·      Barrel: Singuard Custom 27.6

·      Laser: Tac Laser

·      Optic: Sniper Scope

·      Perk: Focus


The next weapon we are going to talk about is…Drum roll please… The BREN! I know a lot of you are probably getting sick and tired of talking about this weapon and seeing it be used so much on Caldera. It has received a total of three nerfs and is still somehow the best long-range weapon in the game. 

3.     BREN


·      Muzzle: MX Silencer

·      Barrel: Queen’s 705mm Royal

·      Optic: SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x

·      Stock: Hockenson SP2B

·      Underbarrel: M1941 Hand Stop

·      Magazine: 6.5 Sakura 40 Round Mags

·      Ammunition: Lengthened 

·      Rear Grip: Polymer Grip

·      Perk: Tight Grip

·      Perk 2: Fully Loaded


While we are on the topic of LMG’s, let’s talk about the PKM. The PKM is still holding its own even after a slight nerf. It is a little bit slower than the BREN but if the BREN does end up getting a decent nerf to its damage and its overall range the PKM will 100% take the BRENs place. And since it is an older Call of Duty: Modern Warfare weapon the setup is going to be simple.


4.     PKM


·      Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor 

·      Barrel: 26.9” Extended Barrel

·      Laser: Tac Laser

·      Optic: VLK 3.0x Optic

·      Underbarrel: Snatch Grip


Another one of the Warzone “Greats” is the AMAX. When it comes to the long-range meta for Modern Warfare rifles the AMAX is going to be your best bet. The Grau is good the M4 is good the M13 is popular amongst a lot of players, and it is alright for what it is, but the AMAX is without question the top dog. The AMAX does have a bit more visual recoil but the power that it offers makes it all worth it. If you can hit your shots this class is going to fry for you.


5.     AMAX


·      Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

·      Barrel: XRK Zodiac S440

·      Optic: VLK 3.0x Optic

·      Underbarrel: Commando Foregrip

·      Magazine: 45 Round Mags


This next class is a fan favorite and one of my personal favorite weapons to use, the XM4 from Call of Duty: Cold War. The TTK over range is a lot better than people think, the XM4 is right up there with a lot of Cold War weapons like the AK-47. It has easy recoil and great velocity due to it being a Cold War weapon.


6.     XM4


·      Muzzle: Agency Suppressor

·      Barrel: 13.5” Task Force

·      Optic: Axial Arms 3x

·      Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip

·      Magazine: STANAG 60 Round Mag


Lastly, we have the C58. This weapon did get a recoil nerf with the season 2 update, but it is not very noticeable. It has some more deviation that you will notice in REALLY long-range fights, but at the end of the day it is just another spray pattern that you have to get use to and when you do, this class is going to be your best friend. This is a unique class set up, hear me out and trust the process. I promise this class will not disappoint!


7.     C58


·      Muzzle: Agency Suppressor

·      Barrel: 18.5” Task Force

·      Optic: Axial Arms 3x

·      Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip

·      Magazine: 45 Round Drum


That is going to conclude the long-range meta update! LMGs, Rifles and snipers are all super solid in the game right now. And the long range meta is going to be even better if the BREN does eventually receive a significant nerf. At the end of the day, you should always use weapons that you have the most fun using and make your personal Warzone experience the most enjoyable! But I would suggest you try these classes out, get comfortable with the changes, and remember, don’t miss the meta!